If you want travel from the big Island Rügen to Hiddensee, there are different possibilities. There are regular comfortable passenger ferries, which are also called iron because of the shape of their bodies. Then there's the fast water taxis, which can bring in hurry travelers in 15 minutes to the Island. If you stand outside the the covered person cabins, you will really blew by in a bit harsh weather from wind and perhaps you will get a bit water in your face and clouthes. And as a third possibility, the slow transport ferry, which transports the delivery and garbage trucks to the island and back. On this ferry is usually a tractor pulling fully loaded trailer on the ferry and then down again. I'm not sure whether the cow herds are transported in the spring or in autumn, which are driven in summer on the pastures of the island. Alternatively something to the other transportation in any case.
Das Bild im Format 15 x 15 cm , Öl/LW, kann wieder ab einem Einstiegspreis von 150,- EUR in einer verdeckten Auktion ersteigert werden. Sie können ihr Angebot an die Adresse tomlpz123@freenet.de abgeben. Die Auktion läuft bis morgen 18:00 Uhr.
The painting in format 15 x 15 cm, Oil / canvas, can from a starting price of 150, € again auctioned in a covert auction. You can send your offering to the address tomlpz123@freenet.de. The auction runs until tomorrow 18:00 clock.