Vom Halleschen Tor bis zum Ullsteinhaus saß der Junge Mann direkr vor mir und seine Kopfhörer hatten eine Lautstärke, dass ich mir sicher war, der ganze Wagen konnte das mithören. Was da alles übertönt werden sollte...im inneren...
Today I have quite involuntarily overheard violent music. Sometimes you can not choose ... the type of music I mean. Where you go, whether in the store, on the street, everywhere trickles one or the other music in his own ear. Sure, if this always, constantly hear it, you will get used to it. But not with my repose accustomed hearing organs.
From Halle Gate to Ullsteinhaus the young man sat in front of me and direkr his headphones had a volume that I was sure the whole car could hear the. What all should be drowned ... in the inner ...
Das Formnat 20 x 20 cm, Öl auf Leinwand..... Auktionsbeteiligung ab 150,- EUR
The format of 20 x 20 cm, oil on canvas ..... Auction participation from 150, - EUR
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