U-Bahnstationen sind Orte, an denen man zufällig oder als Vorsehung bestimmten Menschen begegnet und dann sofort wieder aus den Augen verliert. Für kurze Augenblicke begegnen sich die Blicke, streifen sich die Arme...und dann eilt jeder in eine andere Richtung seinen Tagesgeschäften hinterher....
Young, disabled man in the Zoo underground station ..... I was interested in, because the young man is fused to the steel column to a figure. The rigid columns and platforms are in contrast to the slightly bent posture of the man. Strong contrasts .......
Subway stations are places where you accidentally or as a providential met people and then immediately loses sight again. For a brief moment the eyes meet, the arms stripe ... and then everyone rushes in a different direction after his daily business ....
Subway stations are places where you accidentally or as a providential met people and then immediately loses sight again. For a brief moment the eyes meet, the arms stripe ... and then everyone rushes in a different direction after his daily business ....
Das Format beträgt wieder 20x20 cm, die Technik ist Öl auf Leinwand.....in der Auktion kann wieder mitgeboten werden ab 150,- EUR....
The format is again 20x20 cm, the technique is oil on canvas ..... in the auction can be bid on starting at 150 again, - EUR ....
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